After many, many years of feuding....

While in college, I had a best friend and the two of us were inseparable! When we graduated, our friendship became even tighter! We hung out at least 3 times a week and got ourselves caught up in the CRAZIEST situations!! Yep, we were the millennium version of Lucy & Ethel.
I can't remember the details behind it, but she and I stopped being friends and at one point, things got pretty nasty. It was to the point that when we would see each other out, we'd cause a scene and have a shouting match in front of people. He hated each other and to this day I can not tell you why.
I thought about her recently, well, I actually had a dream about her the night of January 3 (both her birthday and the day I lost my brother and sister). When I woke up at 7am on Sunday morning, she was on my mind heavy, and my gut told me to reach out to her. I noticed she is on Facebook, so I sent her a note. I apologized for my actions years ago, and wished her a happy birthday and Happy New Year.
She responded today, very positively by the way. In a nutshell, she acknowledged we BOTH had a lot of growing up to do, not to mention how long it's been since we last talked. She brought up how close of friends we were and all the good times we had. She also mentioned that she had always had my back and she always will. She and her family are doing well, and she asked me to keep touch.
Long story short, I feel like a huge 7 year boulder has been lifted from my shoulders. It feels amazing to squash our petty 7 year "beef". I know that things will probably never be the way they once were, but hopefully she and I can remain friends and do a TON of reminiscing. I am SO happy I was able to swallow my pride and reach out to her. The only thing I regret is waiting so long to reconnect with her, but everything happens for a reason, and right now, the time was right. I'm so happy, and I look forward to a peaceful rest tonight, most importantly, I look forward to new beginnings with an old friend.
ŵù gamßina @ 4:13 PM