Read the Labels!

Yep, it's true! I was born in the hood, I've seen my share of roaches and had my share of fried bologna sandwiches. Yep, I came from a family which BOTH parents were drinking, drugging and God knows what else, so I was raised by my great-grandmother until she passed away, then my grandma raised me. Yep, I LOVE baked macaroni and cheese, collard greens and I put Hot Sauce on EVERYTHING! Yes, I've smoked my share of blunts, and seen and felt a real gun. Yes, I use the "N" word when I talk, I LOVE Hip Hop (_WU-TANG FOREVER_) and my weave game is TIGHT!!! That being said...
DON'T LABEL ME AS GHETTO, there's SO much more to me than that.
Yep, I made the decision to move out of the hood after high school and go to college. I walked off campus 4 years later with a Bachelor's Degree, and I have a GREAT job at the Children's Hospital. Yes, my best friend is a "white girl", and my closest friends in college, MANY of whom I still speak to are white. Yep, I love to shop, shoes and accessories are my weakness, and I LOVE sushi. That being said...
DON'T LABEL ME AS BOURGEOIS (pronounced: buji, or booshie), there's SO much more to me than that.
Yep, I had my share of "relationships". Some very meaningful, some not. Some as long as 8 years, some as short as 1 night. Yes, I do possess a certain skill that can make a man's toes curl and ALMOST make him lose consciousness. I've dated thugs, criminals, and straight-laced white guys. I've had my heart broken, and I've broken a heart or 2 as well. That being said....
DON'T LABEL ME AS A HOE, because trust me boo, I am far from it.
So there you have it. There are so many aspects of me, so stop trying to fit me into a neat little category. Ok??
Labels: about me, dating, memories
ŵù gamßina @ 5:49 PM

Really America? Really?

It KILLS me that right now, McCain supporters are accusing African Americans of voting for Obama just because he's black. It's as if they feel we have no grasp on politics, world issues, the economy, health care, etc. McCain supporters actually believe we are looking past the issues our country faces, and are voting primarily based on skin color. But I ask you this... what about all the "supporters" out there who are NOT voting for Obama just because he's black? Can't we accuse them of not looking at the situations our country will be facing the next 4 to 8 years?
Silly me, I thought racism ended in the 60's (I'm being a bit sarcastic if you couldn't tell). And as for the gentleman on the motorcyle sportin that shirt (Just in case you can't read it, it says "Nigger Please, It's a WHITE house")... walk through Compton wearing that shirt... or Altanta... New York... Jersey.... Boston.... Chicago wearing that shirt. You do that boo, THEN I will respect you (actually, no I won't).
Labels: mccain, obama, politics
ŵù gamßina @ 5:04 PM