Cleo Minette!

I just wanted to introduce you to my roommate, my Schmoopie, my Cleo!

I got her at the MSPCA in October of 2002. It took awhile for us to bond, but now, we are 2 peas in a pod! Here's a pic of her being extremely cute! (one of the things she does best)! Right now she is in bed with me sleeping soundly, and I think I'm about to join her, GOODNIGHT! xo
ŵù gamßina @ 7:08 PM

Mr. "R", I haven't heard from you since Sunday, but it's okay...
So, I'm laying in bed reminiscing about Saturday night w/ Mr R. I truly had a good time and needless to say, I was "on"! I feel as though our "encounter" ended well the next afternoon (ha ha), and right now I am leaving the ball in his court. Since I've dealt with Mr. R in the past, I kinda know his M.O. when it comes to the "day after". I pretty much know I'm not going to hear from him right away. I am even at the point right now where if I don't hear from him in a week or so, I don't sweat it. I DO know that once he DOES come around, we have nothing but good laughs, good vibes, good food, good convo, good drinks, good "love", and good sleep after. But being 28, I feel like I'm at a fork in the road, should I be looking for something more substantial, or do I just kick back and enjoy the spontaneity of our reckless/fun engagements? I can almost say with confidence that this last visit impressed him as well.
He seemed quite different the morning after; more kind, more talkative, open (he even stayed longer than normal, watched football and had leftover Chinese Food for lunch)... it was nice and quite refreshing to see him in this different light. I truly wonder what the next few weeks will bring... I haven't heard from him since he left Sunday, but he left his hat.
Labels: about me, dating, men, relationships
ŵù gamßina @ 6:42 PM