Goodbye Beringer (breaking up is SO hard to do!)

This is gonna be SOOOO difficult for me. In the past year, I have taken on a new job that has been a tremendous challenge for me. I love this job, but it requires SO much from me, and I find myself needing to display characteristics I thought I didn't have (i.e. assertiveness, firmness, authoritarianism, etc). I'd find myself leaving work emotionally exhausted, but with my mind racing uncontrollably at the same time. Happy hour with my best friend or with co-workers seemed to be a great "moment of serenity" and a great way to shake off my work stress. Somewhere along the line though, drinking began to shift from social fun to a vice. On payday, I'd be sure to hit up the local Liquor store and stock up on Beringer like there was a hurricane-a-comin. There would be days where I'd be at my desk at work thinking "Damn I can't wait to get home and pop that cork, I deserve it today"!

Looking back, I feel it would be best if I just fall back and learn to cope with my "struggles" without the wine. Going to work with a slight headache and dehydration on a regular basis is NOT as fun as it sounds. Besides, most importantly, although "my wine" does give me that "fuck-it" attitude and helps me fall asleep, I still wake up to the same struggles as well as problems I have to deal with and solve both inside and outside of work. I've also noticed a bit of weight gain which is ALL the more reason to chill (I lost 20 pounds in the past year and a half, and I think I've gained 10 back, not good). I'll still be game to hit up a Happy Hour now and again, but I'm gonna be the (corny) girl drinkin the Cranberry Juice rockin her BIG-OLE cheesy smile!
So, goodbye Beringer, thank you for the memories, the laughs and the headaches, but I think moving forward without you will be best for me.
Thank you for reading, I will keep you posted on my progress
Labels: best friend